Please note, due to current circumstances, Foxwell State Secondary College's students' participation in our extra-curricular activity is governed by Department of Education guidelines.
The rich extra-curricular life at Foxwell State Secondary College embraces sport, the creative arts, technologies and a range of other cultural activities and special interest clubs.
Extra-curricular involvement in a variety of activities is seen as central to a student's overall development both individually and within the school community. At Foxwell State Secondary College our program endeavours to:
- expose students to new skills and an expanded worldview
- increase self-esteem and self-worth
- develop and improve social skills
- support health and wellbeing
- foster a sense of pride for individual and group
Through our extra-curricular program the six competencies that a learner needs to flourish are brought to life. Our program emphasises the importance of "learning partnerships" and "learning environments" within our school community, where teachers and students are partners in learning within authentic and relevant contexts.
All Foxwell State Secondary College students are expected to participate in a minimum of one extra-curricular activity within the school year. Please explore our sports, creative arts, technologies and other opportunities available to all students.