
Teaching and learning



Pedagogy at Foxwell State Secondary College prepares students for a world that is moving and evolving exponentially. It fosters a culture and design of deep learning within our school community and leverages a synergy between pedagogical practice, digital technology, learning partnerships and environment. Our pedagogical framework prescribes our school's ways of working and signature practices in ensuring consistent and cohesive delivery of curriculum standards, while allowing for differentiation for each and every student.  

Pedagogy at Foxwell State Secondary College is guided by 'New Pedagogies for Deep Learning'. It focusses on six competencies that describe the skills and attributes needed for learners to flourish.



  • Learning how to learn
  • Grit, resilience, perseverance
  • Self-regulation


  • Global citizenship
  • Understanding of diverse values and worldviews
  • Solving complex real-world problems
  • Understanding and responding to human and environmental sustainability
  • Compassion and empathy


  • Interdependence
  • Teamwork
  • Social and emotional intelligence
  • Learning from and contributing to the learning of others


  • Effective use of a variety of communication techniques, including digital technology
  • Communicating with a range of audiences
  • Reflecting and improving on communication


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Posing inquiry questions
  • Developing ideas and solutions to authentic opportunities
  • Leading the ideation, design and action of ideas and solutions

Critical Thinking

  • Evaluating information
  • Forming arguments and justifications
  • Developing judgements
  • Making connections
  • Identifying patterns
  • Problem solving
  • Constructing meaning
  • Experimenting
  • Reflecting

Four pillars of pedagogical framework

Teachers bring to life the six competencies by focussing on the four pillars of the Foxwell State Secondary College Pedagogical Framework.

"New Pedagogies"  outlines the consist teaching and learning practices that students will be exposed to across their domains of study, regardless of accessing different teachers. Pedagogical practices at Foxwell State Secondary College ensure a rich learning experience that extends beyond the classroom walls, engaging student collaboratively, and igniting their passions. Teachers create deep learning experiences with a focus on rich units of learning that utilise teaching models such as inquiry based learning, experiential learning, gradual release of responsibility, blended learning and increasing student voice and agency.


 "Leveraging Digital" focusses on the use of digital technology in facilitating, amplifying and accelerating student-driven learning. It embeds transformative learning opportunities that cannot be met with traditional approaches to learning.


"Learning Partnerships" describes the relationship between and among students, teachers, parents, industry experts, tertiary providers and the wider community. It emphasises teachers as partners in learning and connects learners to authentic opportunities that are relevant and organic.

 "Learning Environments" focusses on creating the ideal climate for learning, including physical and virtual spaces within school grounds and beyond. Learning environments are strategic tools for promoting creativity, collaboration, risk taking, communication and critical thinking.

Last reviewed 24 March 2023
Last updated 24 March 2023